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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

                       The Best Dressed Bloody Mary

The Best Dressed Bloody Mary
by Maren Swanson

Ok, If you're anything like me, you'll agree that having a Bloody Mary after a brutal night on the town is like finding a pot of gold at the end of the hangover rainbow. "Hair of the Dog" and "Bloody Mary" may not be the sexiest of titles for drinks, but somehow they sound like music to my ears - especially when my ears are ringing from the drink fest the night before. I've tried many Marys; everywhere from dive bars to beach resorts to five-star restaurants, and from all of my tastings I've created what I call, "The Best Dressed Bloody Mary." Garnishes and flavor are key.

When I'm in charge of creating my own at-home cocktail, I may take some shorts cuts, but I also use care. In theory, I would love to make a intricate "from scratch" Mary, but who has the patence when you are slighty slow, tired and insanely hungry and thirty? So, here is my approach. I take a reputable store bought brand Bloody Mary Mix, add a good quaility vodka, and then add some special ingredients to make the perfect brunch cure-all. This recipe and the ingredients are also a great idea if you want to have a Bloody Mary buffet with friends.

In a cocktail shaker with ice, pour in 2oz of your vodka preference and then add 5oz of your favorite Mary mix. I make and shake to order, btw. Next, I add the juice of 1 large lemon wedge, 4 dashes each of hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce, and peperoncini juice to taste.

Once all of the ingredients are in, transfer the mixture into a serving glass and then return to the mixing tin (try this 4 to 5 times) in order to properly blend all of the ingredients. Lastly, you will add all of the edible garnishes to the drink - this is what makes is "best dressed" and a definite crowd pleaser. I purchase my shrimp pre-cooked and peeled at a grocery strore that I trust when in comes to purchasing seafood. Before adding the shrimp, I season it with an everday seasoning blend (feel free to use cajun spices, too) and then add the peperonicini slices, stuffed olives (I prefer jalepeno or garlic), lemon wedge and freshly ground pepper on top.

Now, everyone has certain garnishes and ingredients that they love in their Mary, so feel free to add or adjust as you go because, ultimately, this is your drink! And remember: taste, taste and taste as you go! The thoughful garnishes on this Bloody Mary will leave you and your guests satisfied and impressed.


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